
Learning Object — Clip
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Clip: Conclusion

A brief conclusion

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Learning Object — Clip
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Clip: Conclusion

Learn how to make your own biome -- a terrarium

Learning Objectives

  1. Realize that in an ecosystem, living things and their nonliving environment are working together in a symbiotic relationship to help maintain each other.
  2. Know that the major ecosystems on the earth, called biomes, each have their own unique environments and organisms.
  3. Characterize the different biomes that a...

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Supporting Activities

  1. Build a Terrarium: Each student (or group) will need a clear, watertight container, like a large pickle jar, with a lid; some gravel; some potting soil; a plant, like a small fern; and some water. Be sure that the jar is clean and dry. First, pour a small amount of gravel into the base of the jar. Then, add enough potting soil so that the jar...

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Learning Object — Clip
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Clip: Conclusion

A brief review of forces

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand that a force is a push or a pull on an object that causes a change in its motion. For example, a nuclear explosion pushes matter apart with tremendous power; the moon pulls on the Earth’s oceans, causing low and high tides; and a magnet pulls iron filings toward it.
  2. Realize that forces give every object its shape; one...

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Supporting Activities

  1. Experiment with Friction. Before watching the video, give each student a wood block (can be different sizes), newspaper, towel, sand, waxed paper, aluminum foil, etc. Have students push their blocks across each of the surfaces (can be placed on floor or tabletop). Record which surface allows the block to move farther. Compare with different ...

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